". Arranged Words: waiting
Showing posts with label waiting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label waiting. Show all posts

17 Mar 2015


Glory Lilies
I have a book called The Indoor Potted Blub that I dig out in late winter to ease the transition into spring. After all too much beauty all at once might, I reckon, cause some sort of malady that I'd prefer to forgo, although I had it happen once when I flew from Inuvik, NWT ( well above the Arctic circle) to Hawaiian islands. I'm here to tell you Kawaii took my breath away: flowers everywhere, aqua sea, sand, a beautiful canyon, and, of course, heat, but mostly the humidity. We left a dry minus 45 and arrived to 85 degrees F temps. Stunningly wonderful. Yes! But overwhelming to  pasty-faced people who had not seen the sun for over 30 days.  But O, how wonderful the tropical sun feels and those trade winds that breeze over you... Ah... Glorious, in that case, in the extreme!
But I digress...inside the book, among other things, a Glory Lily. A fabulous plant from Africa and India that can grow to a height of six feet or more. Since that time, I've searched for glory lily bulbs and I almost had one once but the mail order company was sold out. 
 And so as sometimes happens, I recently I found myself tripping through the plant section at Walmart. Nothing interesting--a soggy grievous disaster--until, that is, I spied the bulbs and there right before my eyes a splendorous Glory Lily bulb. Needless to say, it took my breath away! I bought one and planted it a week or so ago. Fortunately, I've heard that "good things come to those who wait." But so far zilch, nada ... not even a lone sprig to welcome the eye.  But, I think, I can wait...

The watched pot.

Thank you for the lovely comments about my decoupage boxes. They were fun to make.

* * *
 A few weeks ago, I watched a 6 episode BBC production on Netflix called Africa. It's narrated by David Attenborough. If you haven't seen it, it's beyond fabulous. Because of it, I have on the drawing board a tall order: a giraffe. 

May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
The rains fall soft upon your fields
And until we meet again
May God hold you in the palm of his hand
.. Irish Blessing..

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Thanks for reading.